Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 3, Episode 2 “Discombooberated”

Trump reveals that Kodak picked Tenacity, so Maria is getting $20,000 for the Make-a-Wish foundation! Yay! The ladies are out of there and Rock Solid is headed for the hot seat.

In the Boardroom, Blagojevich concedes that the women won. Thanks for the confirmation, ass. Michael Johnson is very cool here – Trump asks him why they lost, and Michael says he doesn’t understand why the women won, so he can’t answer that question. Oh, man. Michael is a reality show producer’s worst nightmare – he doesn’t blindly accept the tropes of the genre, and instead asks the reasonable and sensible questions that you would ask in the real world. It’s a refreshing innocence, frankly. Most of us lost that innocence for good back in 2003 when that one girl blew a guy in the woods because FOX told her that he was a millionaire.

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