Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 3, Episode 4

Back at Tenacity, Holly is still mad about what Sharon said, and turns it into a lecture about her son’s autism. My heart goes out to you, but what Sharon said is that you’re boring. Nothing to do with whatever you’re dredging up here. And again she talks about how important it is to play for charity, and I wonder again why the hell she hasn’t been Project Manager yet. That is the only way that your charity gets anything, is if you’re the manager of the winning team. This is week four, and you actually haven’t done a damn thing for your charity yet. Cyndi Lauper calls her out and says they’re all their for their charity, so Holly isn’t special. And this is all in response to Sharon calling her boring! Cripes, I’d rather listen to Bret at this point. (Holly is clearly playing to be around at the end, like that’s where she’ll get the big bucks, or something.  Meanwhile, Bret Michaels has already scored $100k.  So, really, Holly, it’s beyond time to put up or shut up.–Myndi)

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