Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 3, Episode 4

In Orlando, Selita texts her team from the limo, and Blagojevich asks a lot of stupid questions. We are reminded that he doesn’t know how to do things, so he can’t send a text. Now, I hate texting – I have big hands and it’s uncomfortable, and if I have something to say to somebody, I’ll either talk to them or send an e-mail from a big boy keyboard. I don’t think there’s ever been a time in my life when I’ve really wanted to send a text message, but I still know how to. (It is 2010, and I still don’t have text messaging on my mobile plan. And I never will. This message brought to you by Cranky Old Guys Who Miss the Way Things Used To Be.) My point is, Blagojevich is a dope. We get a quick scene of Tenacity being almost comically delighted that Selita is sending them information.

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