Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 3, Episode 4

In the grand Rock Solid tradition, Michael does not even pause before declaring Blagojevich the Project Manager. Trump praise Blago as isf he’d done something, when really all he did was not talk as fast as Michael did. At Tenacity, Selita Ebanks volunteers quickly.

Trump explains that they’ll be getting on a jet in the morning, and they’ll get their next task in the air. However, only Blagojevich and Selita will be boarding the plane. No kidding around, Blagojevich has to confirm that he won’t need a passport. Man, I’m surprised that they got Legal to clear him being on a plane, since that’s about as literal an example of a flight risk as you’ll ever see. (The pun was unavoidable. I apologize. Don’t look at me! I’m hideous!)

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