Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 3, Episode 4

Sharon leads in the first kid who steps into a dragon’s mouth. Immediately Cyndi Lauper starts talking crazy, but I think she’s specifically referencing one of the books, since the kids seem to know what’s going on. Maria is next, in the Wand Shop. They have all these boxes on the wall, and I guess “your wand chooses you”, and if that’s in the books, that’s yet another thing that Avatar shamelessly ripped off. Summer stands on the other side of the wall, knocking boxes off with sticks. Then Maria gives the kid a wand, and he’s bathed in light and a gust from a fan. That’s actually pretty clever there. Afterwards, Holly gives them snacks. That seemed pretty well done, even if I didn’t understand any of it. (I can confirm it was a moderately accurate representation.–Myndi)

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