Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 3, Episode 4

Where to begin? First, Trump is sort of implying that there might be rock stars on the jury. And I love that he’s openly talking about Blagojevich’s legal troubles, because it’s so awkward. But seriously, Black people and Jewish people are more likely to convict him if the argues with Michael Johnson and Goldberg? I mean, it’s one thing if he uses racial slurs, but that isn’t the case here. Like, if you thought what Trump just said, you’d feel all weird and cynical. But he just straight up says it, like it makes perfect sense. In Trump’s world, a Black person would hold it against Blagojevich that he had, in the past, argued with a different Black person about a game show. And that’s crazy talk. Let’s face it, if somebody is willing to overlook the “I’m Blacker than Obama” interview, they’re going to let an argument with Michael Johnson slide. Also, I’ll have to check with Myndi, but I’m not certain that the Jewish community identifies so strongly with Goldberg that they’d lynch Blagojevich for just that reason. (The two-person Jewish focus group in my house says that, no.  We don’t count Goldberg as a truly iconic Jew.–Myndi)

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