Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 3, Episode 4

Blagojevich starts spinning out, denying things that he said only moments ago, and this is where it all makes sense to me. I said earlier in the season that he’s either completely innocent, completely delusional, or the greatest liar in the world. And now I feel like he has a very fluid view of reality. If you say that you didn’t say something, then that means you didn’t say it, regardless of whether or not people can prove that you did, in fact, say it. He thinks of five seconds ago as ancient history, like there’s actually some room for debate as to what did or didn’t happen. He retroactively assigns shades of meaning to things that weren’t there when taken in context. So he’s partly delusional and partly a liar, but your mileage may vary as to the exact ratio.

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