Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 3, Episode 6

Over at Rock Solid, Bret calls a mysterious woman named “Anastasia” for her opinion. I think she might be a spy. She actually knows both of these artists, and is enthused about them, though that’s the kind of skill you learn when you have a friend who’s in a band. They’ll mention local musicians, and you just feign enthusiasm whether you’ve heard of them or not. “Those guys? They’re great!” He then calls a guy named “Steve”. Steve Dallas? Stone Cold Steve Austin? Steve Ditko? Mystery Steve calls Luke “The perfect combination of Elvis and Gomer Pyle”, which should totally have made it in to the press packet. (Note also that this implies that somewhere there is an imperfect combination of Elvis and Gomer Pyle. A Bizarro Luke Bryan, if you will.) The other guys finally ask Bret to stop calling people so they can actually negotiate. In the end, Bret ends up not caring which one they choose. A productive series of calls, indeed.

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