Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 3, Episode 6

At Rock Solid, Luke is much less effusive than Emily. In fact, as Bret starts to pitch his ideas, which mostly involve not doing anything too radical, Luke kind of pulls back. Like, “Wait a minute, nobody told me I might have to make minor changes as part of my makeover.” Bret identifies his clothing as the biggest problem, and when a guy with that many Ed Hardy t-shirts is busting on your outfit, brother, you need work. He and Curtis are the same size, so they switch clothes. Sexy! Bret offers him a shirt, as well. Goldberg silently laments that he can not offer anybody his giant clothing. Bret then gives Luke his chain, and Luke reacts like a vampire at the sight of a cross. Goldberg asks him questions about what he’s willing to wear, and you can tell he just thinks this whole thing is absurd. (Luke is that guy with a “no jewelry rule”.  I hate that guy.  Be a little flexible, would ya?–Myndi) Curtis and Goldberg go shopping with a fashion consultant, who Curtis identifies as “one of the gayest men on Earth”. That sounds harsher in print than it came off on TV, though. We’re still cool with Curtis. Also, where did that guy come from? He seemed to just appear in their van, like some sort of sprite.

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