Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 3, Episode 6

Bret, and I would have said this even if he wasn’t currently having serious health problems, gives Luke some really good advice about conducting an interview. I seriously hadn’t thought about any of these things before, but they make sense. Start on a positive note. Never talk about being tired. Luke acknowledges that these are good ideas. And then, after Bret stresses the importance of not talking about being tired or hungover, they do something I’ve never seen happen on this show before. They cut to an earlier interview (complete with the “whoosh” sound effect that they use to change scenes on Scrubs) and we actually hear somebody behind the camera ask “How’s it going today, Bret?” and he responds that he’s hungover and tired from celebrating their big win. Mean, but funny. Sometimes the editors put actual effort into this show, and it’s always weird and surprising when they do.

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