Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 3, Episode 6

In the Tenacity van, Cyndi worries about how Emily’s makeup will look if she’s not there to supervise it. And then we cut to the suite, where Sharon Osbourne returns. Sharon thinks she could have been a good Project Manager for this task, and since this is literally the thing she does for a living, I’d say that’s the case. Everybody is back in the suite, and Cyndi isn’t happy with Emily’s makeup, and is horrified that she’s been airbrushed. (Cyndi’s point about not airbrushing young girls…the airbrushing is, in her words, “for the buzzards”, and, really she would know.–Myndi)  I don’t think it’s that bad, though this is something that’s kind of hard to tell on TV – people need makeup just to look like they’re not wearing makeup. Maria is, again, hurt that Cyndi crapped all over her work. The team is kind of irritated that Cyndi goes only to Sharon for advice, but again, that’s her job. Summer’s ability to swim very fast is not exactly going to be a life-saver here.

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