Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 3, Episode 6

You have to understand, the first time I saw this, I nearly fell off the couch. You know how Ricky Gervais laughs at Karl Pilkington? That weird laugh that’s both a gasp and a scream? That’s how I reacted here. The man talked for nearly a full minute about his love of bandanas. (Unless the correct plural is “bandani”.) Even if you scrape away all the crazy, by which I mean, the full forty-seven seconds that he spent talking about bandanas, the question doesn’t even make sense. Would Luke have been good with a bandana? What the hell, man? Oh, and try to picture Trump with a bandana. I wish an image of Trump wearing a bandana existed, because it would be my screen saver.  (I’ve never wanted to be proficient in Photshop more than I do at this very moment.–Myndi)

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