Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 3, Episode 6

In the Tenacity van, Cyndi starts in with her strategy. We learn that Maria is an aspiring singer, so she’s interested in watching how this plays out. I’ll tell you right now, I will buy her album. Holly and Summer? If they have albums, I won’t buy them. Especially since Summer’s album would just be her agreeing with Holly’s album. Holly tells Cyndi to make sure she utilizes everybody, and I think it makes more sense to have an idea and then try to sell it rather than tell somebody that they have to respect your idea, if and when you have one. They have not even met their artist or arrived on the site, and they’re already fighting about how to handle it. Maria offers use of her closet, and Cyndi says “I don’t want her to dress like you”. On the one hand, that’s kind of cold. On the other hand, Maria does tend to dress like a super-villain. And since Maria has defended Cyndi all along, it kind of sucks that Cyndi lumps her in with the Mean Girls. I think actually watching this season is going to be very educational for some of this year’s contestants. Anyway, Maria’s feelings are really hurt, because Cyndi is a childhood hero of hers. Also, again, she’s had Cyndi’s back this whole time. (Though I’m usually Team Cyndi, I have to agree with Maria here, too.–Myndi)

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