Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice: Season 3, Episode 7

And as an update, as I write this Bret Michaels is awake and his condition has been upgraded to stable. At this point, there’s talk that he could actually be up and around to show up for the live finale on May 23. Everybody here at spunkybean is pulling for Bret, and we look forward to his full recovery.

In the Suite, Sharon Osbourne doesn’t feel right about winning, and she seems horrified at the prospect that it could just be the women left soon. She hates her team so much, you guys. Imagine if she actually spent time with them! By the way, on the table is the biggest bowl of grapes I have ever seen. Is their next task to start a winery? (Perhaps the cast of Brothers & Sisters can swing by as Trump’s eyes and ears!–Myndi)

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