Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice: Season 3, Episode 7

Curtis and Summer arrive at the gym to set up. Cyndi and Holly haven’t shown up yet, and neither has anybody else. Summer tries to get people who are currently working out in the gym to quit and come over to her workout.

At Rock Solid, Bret is bringing in people to work out. I think it would be funny if he’d just picked up some obvious hobos – guys with bindles and newspaper-filled shoes. There is a terrifying man with a spider tattooed on his forehead. That man has given up on ever achieving anything. One woman has Bret’s autograph tattooed on her body, and I just don’t get that. Those people scare the hell out of me. Another explains to Bret that she’s on his list of five celebrity passes, and do people still do that because of that one episode of Friends seventeen years ago? Well, I’m single, so I can bang all the celebrities I want. Line forms… anywhere, really. Bret offers to take her into the bathroom and sex her up but good, because he’s on the list after all.

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