Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice: Season 3, Episode 7

The classes wrap up for the day – Rock Solid gets applause, and Holly cries and hugs everybody. Not much there, but it leads into this week’s Kodak Moment! This week, we’ve got Barron hitting golf balls, Bret thrusting, or Cyndi Lauper’s mom lifting weights. Apportion your 73 votes accordingly!

The teams file into the Boardroom for what may be the shortest and (SPOILER ALERT!) most pointless firing segment since they went to two-hour episodes. Sharon talks about how great her team was, and how much she loves them. She also says she’s happy to get away from the stick-in-the-muds over at Tenacity. Holly says that she’s not happy to get rid of Sharon, but she is happy to have Curtis. She doesn’t think her team won, though. Holly makes the point that since she raises funds for a living, she has to go back to the same people a couple of times a year so she can’t tap them all out for a task.

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