Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice: Season 3 Finale “Babymaking Dress”

Opening theme, complete with audience reactions. I think Cyndi Lauper might get the biggest cheer from the crowd.

Back in the task, Bret’s flipping out over the lack of a dolly track, even though it’s not particularly crucial to his second commercial (which he doesn’t even have to make). He refers to the hassle as a “murder mystery”. Maybe that’s why Darryl Strawberry doesn’t move much…. He’s actually a corpse! Anyway, Bret ends up building his own dolly and the problem is solved. He then starts working on the other ad and seemingly lectures Summer Sanders about diabetes. I assume that’s actually a shot of the two of them working on copy for their print ad, but without context it seems like she denied the existence of diabetes and he’s angry at her. He’s bouncing around and getting involved with every aspect of the task, from the condensation on the bottles in the print ad to hair and makeup for the commercial.

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