Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice: Season 3 Finale “Babymaking Dress”

We return to the studio so Trump can talk to us for a bit.  (I think you mean “at us”–Myndi) He brings in fired Apprenti Carol Liefer, Sinbad, Blagojevich, Michael Johnson, Selita Ebanks, and Cyndi Lauper. Cyndi’s hair looks exactly like Crazy Cat Lady from The Simpsons. Trump starts with Blagojevich and compliments his courage. Ol’ Rod gets on the soapbox and talks about how it’s hard to be falsely accused, and there is audible laughter in the audience. He has to hear that, right? Trump asks the Apprenti if they think Rod is guilty, and it’s incredibly awkward. Even more so because he insists he’s serious. Michael Johnson raises his hand, though. Hee. By the way, several of these people will not speak at all tonight – notably Selita Ebanks, who makes a serious bitchface at the camera whenever it finds her.

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