Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice: Season 3 Finale “Babymaking Dress”

Now it’s a boring conversation about whether Summer can be objective, and I’ve written about 50 recaps in the last three months, and they’re hitting me with this nonsense in the home stretch? She finally says she thinks Bret should win based on this task, because she wants to be on the winning team. Still, she won’t say that Bret is a good Project Manager, but that he was “decent”. Trump asks Darryl to explain what Summer feels. Darryl is the Dr. Drew of this show, and then Trump sort of berates Summer because he had to “drag it out of” her. You guys, if you were watching Lost right now, you’d be watching Jack and Look-a-Locke beating the living hell out of each other while the Island collapsed around them. Here, you’re watching Darryl Strawberry explain how Summer Sanders feels. Counterprogramming, ahoy!

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