Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice: Season 3 Finale “Babymaking Dress”

Time to bring out the contenders. Holly Robinson-Peete comes out to cheers and takes her seat. But then Bret comes out, and the place goes nuts. We see Bret’s parents in the audience, and his dad is wearing a bandana in tribute. Bret looks… pretty good. His face doesn’t look as droopy as it did on Oprah, and that was before the warning stroke. Bret Michaels is going to outlive us all. His walk is a little stiff, but he was in a coma for a while there – your muscles get all weird when you lay down for a week. It’s amazing to see him there, and it’s really strange to get authentic emotion from Celebrity Apprentice(It was the same way when he showed up on Idol; I was shocked at how thrilled I was to see him walk out.–Myndi)

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