Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 3, “Snapple-osophy”

Bill says Bret has “fire in his belly”. Did Bill have original thoughts when he was on the show, or did he speak in cliches then, too? It’s been so long and my memory isn’t what it used to be. Bill asks Bret about his lack of focus, and Bret manages to bring it around to diabetes. (Seriously, I really hope Bret gets on his feet soon, and I like him far more than I ever would have expected. But there’s a reason my friend Sam calls him “Bret Michaels, Proud Diabetic”.) It should be noted that every reaction shot of Bill is exactly the same. Either they didn’t shoot enough coverage, or he only has one expression. Bret talks to Joan about his lousy time-management skills, and Joan talks about how nice he is. He says he “gets way more bees with honey than vinegar”. You know, I watch Rock of Love. I would have thought he was more concerned with getting D’s.

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