Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 3, “Snapple-osophy”

Larry X says they’re going to create a new juice flavor, come up with a print and TV advertisement, and introduce it all at a Snapple event. The head of marketing, who is not named after anybody who wrote Astronauts in Trouble, says they’ll be judged on originality, creativity (two separate points, mind you), integration of their charity, and maintaining the essence and the spirit of the Snapple brand. And the winning juice will be on store shelves across the country. And this means I will be compelled to buy it, and possibly review it. Seriously, after next week, I’m done with recaps for a month. Gotta review something! They’re also going to be getting helpers, and it will not surprise you to learn that the producers are not even trying to even things up. Go on, just tell me that the fix isn’t in after you hear the new lineups.

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