Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 3, “Snapple-osophy”

Trump asks Sharon who is “not the strongest player”. He doesn’t say “weakest”, so that opens up the field a little, I would think. Sharon wants to know in what category, and Trump helpfully defines it as “Life. Substance.” OK, then. Don Jr. steps in to explain because he needs approval. He even then says that not naming somebody makes Sharon the weakest, and Sharon answers “(Bleep) it then. Maria.” Ha! Even Maria thinks that’s funny. Sharon says Holly is tough because she’s good at everything. And then there’s sort of a weird discussion as to whether it’s worse to have cancer or an autistic child. I never like when it goes in this direction – for the purposes of the game, it shouldn’t matter who has the most deserving charity or which one is playing for The Saddest Thing.

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