Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Are You Talking About, On This Planet?”

And, you know, it’s a problematic ad.  There’s one segment that is going to be offended at the introduction of homosexuality into their ad campaign.  There’s another that’s going to be offended that the existence of homosexuality is a punch line, in and of itself.  Because the ad is really just Backbone pointing and laughing at gay people.  However, everybody but John Rich thinks it’s hilarious.  And he’s more in the first segment, the group that would rather not be reminded that gay people are real.  Richard Hatch, who is an actual gay person, is just kind of sitting back with mild amusement.  I think he’s just realized that he can’t be eliminated now.  If they lose – “As a gay man, I found this ad very offensive in that it portrayed my lifestyle as a joke.”  Because being gay is only about one percent as important to Richard as being a guy who wins reality shows, so it’s just another tool in his box of manipulation.  Lil Jon wants Gary to be the grandfather, while Richard picks Jose as the gay fiancée.  Richard is just having fun now, because he’s bulletproof, so he can just enjoy watching Jose struggle to act again.  John complains some more.  He is to homosexuality what Dionne Warwick is to deaf people.

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