Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Are You Talking About, On This Planet?”

Hope and Dionne are mostly looking at housewares and decorative things, so we don’t get any “Cyndi Lauper buys a condor egg” moments.  NeNe calls because she’s stressed about the time, and then she pulls aside Star and Marlee to complain that the rest of their team doesn’t know how to do anything.  That’s true, actually.  And heck, before this week, I wouldn’t have included NeNe in the group that can do things.  Of course, the best way to fix a team on a losing streak is to pull some people aside and complain about how much everybody else sucks.

Mark and Richard have already returned to Backbone, and Mark once again describes the task and says “We have a risqué message.  A gay couple living abroad in Argentina.”  That’s not really risqué, but I love how specific that is.  It’s not just a gay couple, it’s an overseas gay couple.  The wardrobe people try to make Jose look gay, and Richard jumps in with his input.  “You guys are so not gay.”  Hee.  To his credit, he could really just be a complete pill here, but he’s actually helping.  (And yes, I called him a “pill”.  I am very old.)  Hilariously, Jose thinks he should look like he “just came from a wrestling match”.  Jose’s ideas about the gay community are certainly interesting.  Richard interviews about how good-looking Jose is.  Lil Jon thinks it’s funny that in Week One they were at each other’s throats, and now Richard is trying to increase Jose’s hotness.  (I feel the need to go on record as saying that Jose is gross-looking.–Myndi)

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