Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Are You Talking About, On This Planet?”

LaToya announces that they’re running behind, thus earning her keep.  They start shooting, and I can’t get over how much their actress looks like my friend Billy’s wife.  Trust me, if you know Billy, you’d totally agree.  NeNe says she was “bitten by the directing bug”, which I don’t think is a real thing.  Where would the directing bug get a tiny megaphone and jodhpurs?  She especially likes yelling “quiet on the set”.  Just wait until the next Real Housewives season – I see that becoming her new catchphrase.

For some reason, there’s a bit in the ad where the daughter introduces her host mother, played by Dionne.  Why are they introducing an unnecessary character into a 30-second spot?  I really think they added it just to shut Dionne up, because it’s really awkward and she says “bonjour” the way that somebody would if they only found out that morning that France existed.

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