Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Are You Talking About, On This Planet?”

Commercials – hey, just so you guys know, Paul Reiser has a new show on NBC.  In 2011.  And no, I’m not kidding.  And just when I’m ready to write it off, I see Andy Daly in the cast, and now I’m stuck watching it.  Curse you, Reiser!

Backbone starts shooting, just as Ivanka arrives, and Busey is playing it a wee bit broad.  The maniacal laughter may not be the way to go here.  Lil Jon refuses to tell Ivanka the details of their commercial.  She asks if there will be frontal nudity, because Busey is walking around in a bathrobe.  Oh Ivanka, if you only knew what was coming.  In fact, seconds later, the actress playing his wife points out that there’s nothing on under the bathrobe.  They have to keep re-shooting his lines, because sometimes he’s slurring his words, and other times he’s playing it as if the grandfather were a mad scientist.  Meat Loaf runs his lines with him, which means Meat Loaf has to repeat the line a thousand times.  And remember, Busey has a hearing aid now.  Finally, Meat Loaf tells him everything is perfect so they can move on to the next scene for Busey to screw up.  On one take, his robe comes open and everybody gets a look at Little Busey.  It’s pixilated on the show, but there just aren’t enough pixels in the world.  Ideally, the whole screen should have been pixilated, just so the average viewer wouldn’t even have to deal with the suggested shape and location of Busey’s business.  By the way, Gary Busey calls his penis “Big Wednesday”.  If there’s a story behind that, I pray I never hear it.

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