Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Are You Talking About, On This Planet?”

They play their ad, and it looks halfway decent, but Dionne’s appearance is confusing and the guy playing Marlee’s husband is being way too expressive.  Uncle Leo would call it a bit broad, I think.  The audience loves it.

Backbone’s turn.  I swear, every member of their team has now explained to us that they took a big risk with their content.  They’re going to have to start bringing in contestants from previous seasons if they want to keep doing this bit.  Hey Lennox Lewis, can you tell us whether Backbone’s taking a big risk?  They are?  Great, thanks.

Lil Jon does the presentation and he explodes onto the stage.  He’s got great energy, and he doesn’t really say much, but he says it with enthusiasm and people love it.  The guy’s kind of a genius, because he uses the words “viral video”.  We’ve learned in the past that businesses don’t really know what that means, but they know it involves computers and they want it. Well-played, Lil Jon.  He gets extra points for “Ladies and gentlemen… and Donald Trump…”   We’ve seen their whole ad in bits and pieces, so there’s nothing new.  The crowd loves it, and I’m beginning to think that in most people’s minds, the joke is that the fiancée is Jose Canseco, and it’s not homosexuality that’s inherently hilarious, per se.  John Rich states his misgivings again.  Well, at least he’s committed to his stance. (I think if he would have just stopped at the fact that the company might not like the idea of presenting an alternative lifestyle, it would have been perceived differently, but he’s making it way too personal.–Myndi)

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