Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Are You Talking About, On This Planet?”

The audience votes using electronic dials, which seems unnecessarily flashy.  There are two choice – couldn’t they do a show of hands?  Why do they have to use the technology that Planet Express uses for its shareholder meetings?

Trump meets with the executives.  Since the outcome is determined by votes, there’s really no reason for discussion.  But we have to introduce the pros and cons of each team so that they can come up in the Boardroom.  Remember, this is a two-hour show.  They’ve got time to let this stuff breathe.  Trump’s take:  “I absolutely thought the women won until I saw the men.”  So, when there was only one choice, you were definitely in favor of that one choice?  Bold stance.  The executives specifically single out Lil Jon for saying “viral”.  Hee.  Told you.

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