Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Are You Talking About, On This Planet?”

And now, Trump asks about Dionne going home early.  Dionne says she was tired and didn’t know how to edit.  She said that she asked, and based on what actually aired, that is not true.  She said she was going home.  Even so, Don Jr. makes the good point that even if she did ask, it’s not like they’re going to force her to stay.  NeNe says she doesn’t remember being asked, and Dionne gives her the death glare.

Star complains about Hope and LaToya “not being skilled in the areas that (she) thought they were”.  Tell me, Star.  Why did you assume that Hope was good at PowerPoint?  Had she been bragging about her mad PowerPoint skillz, and then left you in the lurch?  Why exactly, would you assume that a 26-year-old who does not work in an office environment has a solid grasp of PowerPoint?  That’s a very weird assumption to make.

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