Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Are You Talking About, On This Planet?”

Jose Canseco:  When you mention you connect face-to-face, no matter where they are, are you talking about on this planet?  Can we go beyond that?

Uncomfortable Executive:  “….In what realm are you referring?”

Jose:  Communicating with aliens.  In a very positive, very emotional, very funny way.

You guys, Jose Canseco just asked if the video phone can talk to aliens!  And I can’t tell if he’s asking whether that’s appropriate for the commercial, or whether the phone actually works that way.  It sure sounds like the latter, though.  I rewound this about a hundred times, because even Busey has a “Can you believe this horse crap?” look in his face.  I think what really kills me is how hopeful he seems.  Like, maybe they have baseball on other planets, and Jose can make friends with the aliens, having squandered all of his Earth friendships.  Maybe if he had alien friends, he wouldn’t have to be so angry all the time, and he could start blinking the way a normal person does.  Poor Jose, he’s the Saddest Earthman. (Yes, and this doesn’t even count the recent celebrity boxing situation involving his twin brother!–Myndi)

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