Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Code Red. Money Time. Dollar Bills.”

Over at Backbone, the Jo(h)ns are bringing in money, but LaToya is not doing so well.  She gets a donation from the Hiltons.  A thousand dollar donation.  Damn, the Hiltons do not like her very much at all.  Paris has more than a thousand dollars worth of cocaine in her purse right at this very moment!  John interviews that the Jackson family is connected to everybody.  Well, Michael was.  And Janet probably has some connections.  But that doesn’t mean LaToya wields the same degree of influence.  It’s not like they’re the Wilsons, where Owen and Luke are exactly the same amounts of famous.  They’re more like the Baldwins, where one is a huge name and one is so desperate that they have to go on Celebrity Apprentice to be noticed.

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