Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Code Red. Money Time. Dollar Bills.”

John says most of his donors are tapped out after the art sale, which makes sense.  He went all-out on that one.  He calls Jimmy Fallon, his “ace in the hole”.  Jimmy agrees to help out and write a song.  Yay!  They talk more about NeNe, and really, it’s not like she’s going to be very helpful in a fundraising task.

ASAP starts making their calls.  Star calls Tracy Morgan, and she’s already decided that she’s going to get him to do a video.  I don’t know if he already said he couldn’t make it in person, or if she’s diminishing her expectations.  Marlee also says that she does some stand-up, and would be happy to do it at the show.  Man, if you guys saw the Trump roast on Comedy Central, you know that Marlee is actually really funny.  And filthy.  (Also, my friend Rachael keeps saying that interpreter Jack looks just like Gilbert Gottfried.  At the roast, they did a bit where Jack refused to say dirty words, so Gilbert had to step in as a substitute interpreter.  Strangely, my friend Becky says that Jack looks like President Obama…)  By the way, Marlee calls her routine “Deaf Comedy”, which is worth a laugh in and of itself.

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