Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Code Red. Money Time. Dollar Bills.”

HA!  In the shots of New York scenery, there’s a “MISSING” poster on a telephone pole showing a picture of NeNe.  Well-played, production crew.  At Backbone, LaToya appears to be the weak link when it comes to fund raising.  She hints at bringing in “somebody big”, but isn’t making any headway.  Some unnamed person does not want to fly out to New York.  Couldn’t they do like on every other fundraising task and send somebody else out with the money to attend the show?  Yes, I suspect they could.  I think what happened was that LaToya ‘s big donors don’t actually know her very well and would prefer that she stop calling.  Or they thought a preteen girl was making a prank call.

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