Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Code Red. Money Time. Dollar Bills.”

Ivanka stops by, and LaToya brags about how much money she’s trying to make.  That is a weird source of pride.  I’m trying to get a million people to read spunkybean!  How’s that?  Does that make you proud of me?  Or would it be a bigger deal if it actually happened?  Yeah.  Ivanka’s pretty irritated that NeNe disappeared.

Star visits Tracy Morgan’s dressing room.  Sadly, there are no posters for Who Dat Ninja? or Honky Grandma Be Trippin’.  However, there is a large man sitting on the couch, who I assume is the real-life version of Dotcom.  And that makes me so happy that I can’t even stand it.  Real-life Tracy actually has a hilarious entourage!  I’m going to assume that real-life Grizz is not there because he’s been sent on an errand to get shark food, for the shark that Tracy Morgan actually owns in real life.  We don’t see much of the video, but Tracy talks a little about comedy, and Star brings up how he used to play her on Saturday Night Live.  It’s kind of cute, but Tracy is funniest when he’s making somebody uncomfortable – he needs somebody to be reacting to him.  I love the man, but he’s a hundred times funnier when he’s freaking out a talk show host than when he’s talking to a disembodied voice.  However, there may be circumstances beyond his control here.  In fact, he’s got a gut here, so that means this is before the kidney transplant.  Also, and I just noticed this because of where I paused the DVR, he winces pretty badly when he stands up – this might have been just before the operation, when he was actually sick.

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