Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Your Brain is Still Very Fat”

And just for purposes of internal consistency (I know… why start now?), Trump has previously refused to let people come back if they have to miss a single task.  Herschel Walker had to leave for a family issue, and he couldn’t come back because it wouldn’t be fair to the other ducklings if he got to skip a task.  Sure, Joan Rivers got to miss a bunch of tasks, but that was only because they decided at the beginning of the season that she was going to win.  The real reason this is happening is that Jose Canseco left in the middle of an episode, and they’re going to be short on episodes.  They line up these tasks with corporate sponsors, and they could have some trouble if they run out of contestants before they get to, say, the big Arby’s task that the restaurant chain is going to promote.  Of course, they could really just fire fewer people in the upcoming interview episode, so they’re doing this in the shadiest way possible.  I’m actually upset that the integrity of the Apprentice franchise has gone out the window, even though it never had any in the first place.

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