Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Your Brain is Still Very Fat”

Time for the hair show!  (Which, need I remind you, is not a real thing.)  ASAP goes first, and NeNe’s got crazy Little Richard energy backstage.  Ladies come out and dance, and Star takes credit for that.  NeNe steps out there like a motivational speaker and introduces the stylists.  The stylists kind of do all the work at this point, as they cut hair, explain what they’re doing, and bring out the girls.  They bring Marlee to the stage, and use a product on her.  Marlee hams it up, and the crowd loves it.  She vogues with her slightly rearranged hair.  Then Hope and her monster hair come out, and it is the most awkward thing you have ever seen.  She clomps out there, spreads out her limbs, and then stands in a pose that looks like the hole a cartoon character would make when they run through a wall.  Everybody knows it’s bad, and the crowd just feels sorry for her.  NeNe complains that Hope, a model, doesn’t know how to walk.  Well, you know, there are different kinds of models.  Putting aside the Playmate thing, she’s not a fashion model, and she is a print model.  Fashion models walk runways.  People who stand still and look pretty in pictures don’t.  They’re two different things.  I mean, she’s doing a bad job here, but it’s ridiculous to assume that she wouldn’t.  It’s like saying that because Marlee is an actress, she should also be able to do stand-up.  At the end, they bring out about a million flags.  This is not the highest concentration of flags we’ll end up seeing on TV tonight, though.

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