Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Your Brain is Still Very Fat”

And now it’s time for Backbone.  Meat Loaf is back in his headdress.  Lil Jon takes the stage and as always, makes it seem like you are in attendance at the most awesome thing you will ever see.  I just now noticed that they have an incorrect flag in the background.  Bottom stripe should be red, dude.  Lil Jon brings out the stylists, and then can’t think of anything to say.  Their stylists are more visually entertaining – ASAP’s just stood behind a chair and did hair things.  These guys are flailing around and yelling.  Still, there’s a lot of dead air when Lil Jon can’t think of anything to say.  Mystifyling, ?uestlove from the Roots is in the audience.  Niki Taylor comes out on stage, holding a guitar in a way that suggests she has never previously touched one before.  Lil Jon gets it together a little more at this point and keeps the patter going.  One stylist assures the crowd that the hair curler is made in the USA because “We don’t make crap like everybody else.”  You know, if you’re going to seize on an American point of pride, maybe “our manufacturing processes of consumer goods are superior to the rest of the world’s” might not be the widely accepted rallying point that you think it is.

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