Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Your Brain is Still Very Fat”

Lil Jon brings ?uestlove up on stage.  Because if there’s a hairstyle you want to emulate, that’s the one.  Next, he talks about Mardi Gras and tosses out some beads, assuring people “You don’t have to show us your boobs”.  There’s a Mardi Gras Queen, and this whole thing has not been about hair for even one second.  Meat Loaf has no idea whether they did well or not, because he doesn’t know what a hair show should be.  He’s happy with the lights, though.

Hey, no scenes of Farouk telling Trump what he thought.  We’re headed straight to the Boardroom.  Trump asks NeNe how her team worked together, and she said she felt alone on the first day of the task.  Hey, slamming your team en masse is a great way to be sure that they have your back in the near future!  They talk more about the blowup from the beginning.  NeNe talks about boss being bossy and disloyal.  Star says that’s not true, and that’s why she did such a good job on the task.  Oh, cripes.  It’s turning into a lecture about how great Star is.  And she wonders why people don’t like her…  NeNe says that Star has grown a couple of horns in the last couple of weeks.  I like when she says “She’s been mean, honey.”  Nobody has ever called Trump “honey” before.  She continues on and says that if being the Apprentice means being nasty, disloyal, and manipulative, then Star’s what you’re looking for.  Hey, sometimes being the Apprentice also means nearly dying two weeks before the finale.

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