Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Your Brain is Still Very Fat”

NeNe continues on to call Hope Star’s puppet.  Trump complains that she’s been coasting, and while she has not seen much airtime, he’s confusing being quiet in the Boardroom with not contributing.  Granted, she’s not a spitfire, but she’s done all right in the actual tasks.  If nobody hates you, you’re better off being quiet in the Boardroom.  If nobody says your name, you’re not getting fired.  But for Trump, being effective and being loud are the same thing.

Star says that she feels bad about the fact that NeNe “despises” her, and NeNe then calls her out for being a bad friend.  Wait, isn’t the reality show mantra “I’m not here to make friends”?  Did these two know each other before the season started?  I feel like there’s years worth of backstory that we’re not getting.  Do we have to have a flashback episode?  Ivanka fans the flames by asking Star (and I am paraphrasing), “So, Hope’s a bad team member, but NeNe’s a jerk.  Is that what you’re saying?”  NeNe tries to answer the question that was not directed at her, and says that she’s the only one who will ever stand up to her.  She also says that Star is “being backstabbing”, which is an interesting use of language.  But I swear, the first time I heard it I thought she said “backstabby”, which would have been amazing.

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