Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Your Brain is Still Very Fat”

Trump asks LaToya who she likes in the Star/NeNe fight, and LaToya thinks NeNe is a good friend.  She thinks Hope is “fine”.  And then everybody talks about how Hope is just a follower, and Trump dismisses Backbone.

In the Suite, Backbone talks about how great it is to have LaToya around.  Now that there’s a lady present, their team can’t do all their work pantsless anymore.  And then they, like us, start watching the Boardroom which will undoubtedly be the biggest event of the night.  NeNe talks about how the team really hasn’t been able to come together, but in all fairness, it’s easier to put a freakout aside if you’re the one who freaked out.  You can’t really tell the people you yelled at, “I got over that time I yelled at you.  Why can’t you?”  She complains that Star told her to be the Project Manager when they got up that morning.  LaToya, in the suite, says that lawyers are “professional liars”.  Thanks, divorced stand-up comic in the 80s!  NeNe says that either Hope or Star should be fired.  Hope because she’s weak (“She’s just gonna be an intern.”), and Star because she’s Star.  Trump tries to get Hope to admit that she’s weak, and Hope goes in a bad direction by pointing out the irony that NeNe is playing for a domestic abuse charity, and there she was, yelling.  Calling out Star Jones in a loud voice is completely the same thing as punching a loved one, in case you were wondering.  She also says, she’s not a follower but “I’ve done what I’m told when I’m led by a Project Manager”.  Wait.  The Playmate of the Year just invoked the Nuremberg Defense.  That is actually more surprising than the fact that hair shows apparently exist.

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