Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Your Brain is Still Very Fat”

If you were watching in the Eastern Time Zone, this is when the show ended because Richard Belzer’s younger brother broke in to programming to announce that at some point, the President would be announcing the death of Osama Bin Laden.  I still think it’s a total dick move to beat the President to the announcement.  Thanks to Bravo, I managed to catch an uninterrupted second airing.  Which is good, because if I had to pay to download this show on iTunes, it just would have made me question what my life has become.

Trump asks Star who she wants to keep on the team – she first says Marlee, and after some hesitation she picks Hope, because she wants team unity.  She also compares NeNe to a baseball player who takes steroids.  Good thing Jose is already gone… awkward.  Trump asks Marlee who she wants on the team, “Or, to put it simply, who would you least rather have?”  I guess that was putting it simply, for certain definitions of “simple”.  Marlee says NeNe was the Project Manager, and she failed.  Ivanka wants to know who they need less going forward.  Marlee agrees that she’d rather have NeNe on the team next week.  NeNe sends Marlee back to the Suite, that means Hope and Star will accompany her back to the Boardroom.

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