Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Your Brain is Still Very Fat”

After some meaningless consultation with the Trumplings, Trump asks Star why she shouldn’t be fired.  Star explains at length that she is better than everybody else.  Trump asks Hope if Star is manipulative, and Hope allows that she’s bossy, but not manipulative.  She says she’d fire NeNe if given the choice.  NeNe keeps trying to bring it around to the fact that she hates Star, but also says that in Trump’s shoes, she’d fire Hope.  Hope cites past examples of NeNe’s behavior, including calling LaToya “Casper”.  So now they have to discuss that.  Star slips out a “That’s what she said”, but in this case, she’s actually referring to a thing that NeNe did, in fact, say.  Man, I miss Steve Carell already.  Trump notes that LaToya said five minutes ago that she likes NeNe, but not Star.  Somehow, Trump uses this a point against Hope.

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