Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Your Brain is Still Very Fat”

Star says she’d rather keep NeNe on the team if she can stop being the way that she is.  Trump talks about what a big star Hope is going to be, because a lot of Playmates of the Year go on to, I don’t know, win Oscars or become Secretary of State.  But she’s not loud enough, so she’s fired.  There’s a lesson there, but I don’t know what it is.

So long, Hope!  I had never heard of you before the show started, but you seemed to be perfectly pleasant.  Enjoy your escape from the freak show!

Next time, who knows?  Bravo doesn’t run the preview, so it could be anything.  And it’s also three hours long, so that’s pretty much my week right there.

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