Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Your Brain is Still Very Fat”

Star makes a snippy remark about NeNe’s lack of education in an interview, and then the two of them argue over whether Star ever makes threats.  Star says that “Women rationally talk to each other”, which is pretty funny from somebody who used to be on The View.  NeNe ends it by calling Star a “punk-ass bitch”, which is one of those phrases that always makes me laugh.

In the Backbone van, the men have a good laugh over the insanity over at ASAP.  Aww, somebody’s forgotten what it was like to have Busey on the team.  And in the ASAP van, it’s just an awkward silence.  Also, why is Jack sitting so far behind Marlee?  Shouldn’t he keep a little closer so he can do his job?

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