Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Season 4 – “Your Brain is Still Very Fat”

At ASAP, they do not think to call in Gary Busey.  Opportunity missed.  NeNe says that they had a bumpy start, and she just wants to get through the day.  That is not an apology, for the record.  She talks about a famous(!) Atlanta hair show while the team glowers at her.  One thing she mentions is “a hat of hair”, and I have so little grip on what they’re trying to do that I can’t make any sense of her statement.  They try out some music, and Marlee really gets into some dance moves.  Remember, she can not hear the music.  Also remember, she was on Dancing with the Stars.  Man, I love Marlee.  At any given time, she’s either being totally classy or just adorably dorky.  NeNe comes up with the slogan “Shake Your Beauty”.  Star and NeNe bust moves with considerably less verve and alacrity than Marlee, and then Hope finally gets into it, thrashing around like she’s in a Whitesnake video.

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