Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Smackdown: Season 2, Episode 7 (Apr 20)

Previously on Celebrity Apprentice: Both teams failed to impress the executives at All, who, it is important to note, are offended by midgets and insist on a distinction between “mothers” and “women with children”. Donald Trump then fired two people for reasons completely unrelated to the task.
In the suite people are shocked to see that Khloe Kardashian was fired. It doesn’t help when Natalie Gulbis explains that Trump fired her for taking time off to take her DUI class. This raises hackles, as they now think Khloe was fired for “trying to change”. Actually, it was pretty clear that she was fired for getting the DUI in the first place, but Natalie has a hard time remembering things. What’s kind of interesting is that now Clint Black claims he brought Khloe and Natalie to the Boardroom because he thought they were safe.

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