Celebrity Apprentice

Celebrity Apprentice Smackdown: Season 2, Premiere (Mar 9)

The announcer tells us that last season’s winner, Piers Morgan, “changed the way the game is played”. Since that was the first season, it wasn’t much of change, I guess. Donald Trump directly addresses the viewer from inside his helicopter to tell us that he wants to get money to the people who need it most, and for a moment, I’m afraid he’s going to start dropping cash from the window, possibly causing serious injury. But no, he’s spreading the wealth through another season of Celebrity Apprentice!
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Once again, it’s men vs. women, because that’s how Trump sees the world. He arrives via the Trumpcopter to the deck of the battleship Intrepid. Possibly it’s an aircraft carrier – I don’t really care. Please don’t send me e-mail on the subject. Trump begins his spiel about going into battle. Dennis Rodman is the first celebrity to speak, because Trump has a boner for athletes. Rodman, by the way, has a bad case of the mumbles. He sounds like Boomhauer from King of the Hill. So really, I have no idea what he says. Next, Trump addresses Herschel Walker – again, sports boner. Andrew “Dice” Clay is ready to go, and also he loves women. Trump and Clay together – that’s a lot of issues with women in one room. The Donald sends them off to pick a team leader and a team name. Oh, please pick something I don’t have to add to my spellcheck…

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