Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With The Stars: Results Week 4

Other observations?  Jake Pavelka annoys the crap out of me.  Chad’s weird sex voice in the confessional scared me a little.  And I loved Tom’s ad lib,  “Is Chad about three compliments away from sounding really desperate?” was genius, as per usual.

In Pam & Damien’s encore rumba, her splits were impressive, and Len’s about right that she’d look sexy mopping a floor.  But only if her lighting crew was there.

Did you know that next week is movie night?  Tonight’s movie trailer spoofs ranged from inane (Bruno as a serial killer in “Tuesday the 13th” and Evan and Niecy as Bogie & Bacall in “ChachaBlanca”) to silly (Tony as greased up hybrid of Rambo and Tony Manero in “Glambo: First Dance”) to moderately clever (Chad playing Double Ochocinco in “Dance Another Day”, which also featured Aiden in a sparkly eye patch.)

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