Dancing With The Stars

Dancing With The Stars: Results Week 4

Did you know “Nothin’ But Strings” are platinum-selling hip hop violinists?  I’m guessing they have that market cornered.  They accompanied a principal ballerina and a crew of hip hop dancers in a very cool routine that concluded with a dancer who did about five concurrent backflips.  It reminded me a bit of the movie Center Stage, which I can’t imagine you haven’t seen if you’re watching this show, but I’ve embedded a clip from the movie below,  just in case.

When Kate and Tony were the last ones saved, I just hoped Lorie was OK.  So, now Aiden’s gone.  Really, it’s the right call (aside from Kate leaving) because he was utterly forgettable.  But he got choked up in his goodbye to Edyta, which gave him a nice send off.

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